The earliest Christian tradition is deep with meditative and spiritual riches. Eastern Orthodoxy has stayed true to the long Apostolic tradition dating back to the first centuries when Jesus walked in Jerusalem. The Desert Mothers and Fathers who escaped into the Nitrean Desert and founded the first monastic communities left behind a mystical compendium of wise sayings that can profit a modern city-dweller. In this workshop we will delve into the history, the wisdom and the practices of the Eastern Orthodox tradition.
In this workshop, you will:
- experience the beauty of the architecture, art and the ritual of an Eastern Orthodox church through explanations that connect the history, symbol and ritual significance
- get an introduction to the Sayings of the Desert Fathers and the pearls of wisdom they encapsulate (the Desert Fathers were the first psychologists as they were keenly aware of the movements of thoughts and feelings in their novices)
- discover the meditative power of engaging in “The Jesus Prayer” an ancient Christian form of meditation that uses the name of Jesus with calculated inhales and exhales so that each breath becomes a prayer and allows participants to comply with St Paul’s dictum to “pray unceasingly”
- learn how the mysteries of the Church aid in emotional, physical and mental healing
Meditational Activity: create an icon while engaged in the Jesus Prayer
As an experiential adjunct to the learning of this workshop, each participant will be guided in the steps to create a devotional icon based on their saint or sacred image based on the life of Christ and his Mother the Holy Theotokos while breathing the Jesus Prayer. The layers and symbolism in Eastern Orthodox iconography will be deconstructed throughout the demonstration.
The workshop includes:
-visit to an Orthodox church and attendance in a vigil or matins service (whenever possible)
-handouts and discussion of the Sayings of the Desert Fathers
-all materials to create a 4″X4″ wooden icon embellished with gold leaf
-the services of a professional instructor and speaker and practicing Orthodox adherent