Perhaps no poet has captured the ecstasy of Love like Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Balkhi or Mevlana/Mawlana “the Master” as he is known in the Middle East or just simply Rūmī in the West.
In this workshop we open our souls to the mystic intensity of Rumi’s verse and combine it with the Sufi tradition of circle dancing. This 13th-century Persian poet, Hanafi faqih, Islamic scholar, Maturidi theologian and Sufi mystic originally from Greater Khorasan in Greater Iran still reverberates in the 21st century. By going into a “trance-like state” we will uncover the poetry within us, dance with the universe, and laugh with the knowledge that we are connected in Love that transcends time, culture, and ego.
This workshop includes:
-introduction to the life and work of Rumi
-journaling, visual and verbal, to some of the most poignant verses of his compendium
-whirling dervish dance (be advised for those who do not have an easy gait).
-creating and connecting via short verses composed in the spirit and style of The Master
Duration: 1.5 hours
Cost: $25 per person.
Venue: Atelier Eirené near Ditmars Station, last stop on N/W train in Astoria, Queens.