The Wisdom of the Way: The Answer the Camino Gave

My prayer my intention for this Camino has been to find the way. My whole life I have been a seeker a restless soul who is never content with the ways things are   Always on the lookout for the next best thing– a better job, a better neighborhood, a better everything. Always on the… Continue reading The Wisdom of the Way: The Answer the Camino Gave

Finding Your WAY on The WAY: The Camino de Santiago and the healing power of pilgrimage

Davidson  and  Gitlitz  (2002)  articulated  that  a pilgrimage  is  “a  journey  to  a  special  place,  in  which  both  the  journey  and  the  destination have  spiritual  significance  for  the  journeyer . . .Pilgrimages  to  nonreligious  sites  as  well  as  religious  sites  share  similar characteristics.  These  characteristics  include  the  desire  to  fulfill  a  vow,  undergo  a  rite … Continue reading Finding Your WAY on The WAY: The Camino de Santiago and the healing power of pilgrimage